Welcome / Bienvenue To Canada
Hi .. Welcome .. Bienvenue.
Happy you could check to our new site https://www.fromwhere.ca/ Where we curate some of our favourite musical discoveries around their point of origin. We're kicking things off with where we know/dig/discover best.. Home. Canada! (Happy Canada Day to any of our fellow Canadians).
Let's Kick things off with our newest - Cold Hands, Warm Heart Part 2 MIX of all Canadian selections that are unknown or overlooked. This time we went on a Soulful, Disco, & Gospel tip
Cold Hands, Warm Heart PART 2 - Alister Johnson and Gerrence
And our pal Diana McNally's spectacular curation of #CanCon .. A definitive guide to the 80s MAPL dance floor experience.
..And lastly a grip of Canadian Digs